Italian Legislative Decree 231 of 8 June 2001 introduced standards into Italian legislation concerning companies (legal entities) with regards to criminal responsibility for a number of crimes committed or attempted by directors, employees or subjects under company direction or supervision in the interests or to the advantage of the same. Said responsibility is in addition to that of the natural person who materially commits a crime.

In order to prevent such risks and promote behaviour that is respectful of the law and of the ethical and moral principles that are the cornerstone of Allegrini S.p.A. operations, an Organisation, Management and Control Model - pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001 - has been set up to provide an articulated system of rules, processes and procedures aimed at preventing crime, and a Supervisory Board has been established, with the role of overseeing the functioning and the observance of the Model as well as updating it.

A disciplinary system has also been formulated in accordance with the various groups that the Model is aimed at, with the purpose of sanctioning non-compliance with the provisions set out by the Model.

The Supervisory Board is made up of three members appointed by the Board of Directors:

  • Andrea Pavone (Chairman)
  • Alessandra Palumbo
  • Michele Falgari

It is possible to communicate with the Supervisory Board by writing to:

Organismo di Vigilanza presso Allegrini S.p.A. Vicolo Salvo D’Acquisto, 2 — 24050, Grassobbio (BG), Italia

Or by sending an email to:


It is possible to communicate any violations of Model 231 to the Supervisory Body by accessing the following link https: //

With the resolution passed by the Board of Directors on 21 May 2020, Allegrini S.p.A. adopted a Code of Ethics that sets out the principles, rules of behaviour, commitments and ethical responsibilities of the company, in terms of both activities directed towards clients and internal activities, with regards to its shareholders as well as its employees and collaborators.

Health and safety in the work place and environmental management represent a concrete commitment for Allegrini. An attention that manifests itself in the respect of safe and correct behaviour in the work of its own resources, as well as in the implementation of suitable conditions for this to happen, and in the reduction of environmental impacts.


Download the Terms and Conditions for the Purchase of Good and Services here

Allegrini pursues the objective of ensuring high quality standards to all its products and services in order to guarantee the satisfaction of its Customers, adopting General Conditions of the Purchase of Goods and Services in close collaboration with selected and qualified Suppliers.

The Sustainability Policy, approved by the Allegrini S.p.A. Board of Directors on 15th December 2021, identifies the principles that inspire the company to responsibly manage its impacts, both towards the community in which it operates and towards its people. It defines the strategies, objectives and commitments that the company sets itself in order to improve its sustainability results and to manage and monitor "ESG" (Environmental, Social, Governance) risks to which it is exposed.

As part of the path started by Allegrini aimed at achieving an environment that is increasingly inclusive and respectful of diversity, both internally and externally, we inform you that the company has adopted Policies and Procedures for the protection of Gender Equality. Below we publish the "General Policy for Gender Equality" approved by Allegrini's Top Management and by the appointed Steering Committee, the "Communication Plan", as well as the "Procedure for the management of reports" with the relevant forms "Opinions and suggestions" and "Gender-based violence in the workplace" to be used for any reports (even anonymously) to be sent to the Steering Committee by e-mail, by registered mail addressed to "Allegrini SpA, to the c. a. of the Steering Committee for Gender Equality, Via Salvo D'acquisto n. 2 Grassobbio (BG)- Italy ”, or by using the boxes provided within the company perimeter.