Allegrini supports Bergamo Scienza

• News & Events
• 15 August 2016
1-16 October 2016
Allegrini for the culture and science.
This year too we are proud to be the sponsor of BergamoScienza, an unmissable event, in the heart of the city, with the aim to create a new culture of science distribution.
The BergamoScienza Association was founded in 2005, after the great success of the first two editions (2003 and 2004) of the Science Festival with the same name.
The promoter of the BergamoScienza festival, old friends and partners of the Association for the SINAPSI culture, had chosen in 2003 to give birth to an event aimed at cultural and scientific divulgation.
After two years, together with the public and private institutions, that had promoted with them the first two editions of the festival, the group has founded the Association, a no profit organization that organizes this event.
Through their statute and their line guide, the Association is committed to achieve concrete goals: create a new culture of the science divulgation that can “educate” to knowledge mostly young people; to generate a large interest and growth of a culture of development based on knowledge; to ensure a divulgation method based on the cultural independence and a usability for everyone.