Allegrini SpA supports the campaign promoted by the World Health Organisation

• News & Events
• 27 September 2017
Primagel Plus is the protagonist of the event
During BergamoScienza 2017, the Festival dedicated to the scientific divulgation which has reached its 15th edition this year, Allegrini will be present once again as Silver Sponsor.
The news that fits into the rich schedule of meetings and events of BergamoScienza is, however, an event that intends to draw the attention of all: "Relay for hand hygiene" - this is the name of the initiative proposed by the World Health Organization - aims to raise awareness, in fact, public opinion on the subject of prevention from infections related to health care.
Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs) are caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria in more than 25% of cases and are now a serious problem to be faced. Only a correct sanitization of the hands, which consists of alcoholic rubbing with appropriate movements, is scientifically able to reduce IOS by up to 50%.
Primagel Plus is the hand disinfectant gel formulated by Allegrini researchers, famous for having obtained numerous awards, including that of 2015, the year in which the San Raffaele Hospital Scientific Laboratory of Microbiology of Milan issued the Surgical Hand Disinfection EN 12791 certificate, testing its suitability for use in the operating room.
Among other certifications of Primagel Plus:
- BATTERICIDA EN 1500 - Test Biolab SpA activities
- HIV VIRUCIDA Activity - POLIOVIRUS EN 14476 - SARS - San Raffaele Test
- Approval HYGIENIC HANDRUB EN 1499 - Test Biolab SpA
During the event, which will be held on Sunday, October 1, 2017 and will see the participation of about 4,000 people, will be held a real relay starting from the meeting points (InfoPoint BGScienza and BergamoScienceCenter) and arriving at the point of sanitation, in front of the Donizetti Theatre.
Each participant will collect the event kit and will be arranged in a row, receiving as a witness the Primagel Plus dispenser to perform the six correct hand sanitization movements.
The highest number of participants in the relay (including employees of the ASST Pope John XXIII and the health facilities of Bergamo, students of the health professions, medicine and first and second degree, as well as interested citizens) is involved in the enthusiasm and willingness to beat the record set by the University of Manipal in India on October 16, 2016, when 3,422 health workers participated.
In the strategic points of the city, Allegrini will place 10 Primagel Plus dispensers with automatic dispensing: 2 at the Infopoint of BergamoScienza, 2 in the Auditorium of Piazza della Libertà, 3 at BergamoScienceCenter and 3 in the main venue where the conferences of the Festival will be held.
For the relay, Allegrini will have 150 bottles of 500ml, while all participants will receive as gadgets 1,500 tubes of Primagel Plus and 2,500 tubes of Maniguard Crema Mani, both in the pocket size of 50ml. In addition, the brand logo will be present on the t-shirts of the participants, on the floor lamps and in the main streets of the city involved in the event.
The event is organized by BergamoScienza in collaboration with the City of Bergamo, ASST Pope John XXIII and the Territorial Scholastic Office - Area X Bergamo, with the support of the ATS of Bergamo, the Italian Multidisciplinary Society for the Prevention of Infections of Health Organizations and the Association of Italian Clinical Microbiologists.
Allegrini S.p.A.'s contribution is part of the Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives that the company has been pursuing for years with the aim of spreading knowledge in the chemical and scientific fields and making it available to society.
Hand hygiene relay - Event organized by BergamoScienza
Special contributor: Allegrini S.p.A.
Save the date! Sunday 1 October 2017 - Sentierone, Bergamo - 10.00 a.m.