Allegrini obtains Gender Equality Certification

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• News & Events

• 23 January 2024

A starting point for an increasingly sustainable future

We are proud to announce that Allegrini has obtained the Gender Equality certification, compliant with UNI/PdR 125:2022 standards. This recognition was awarded by GCerti Italy Assessment & Certification - a certification and training body, and is part of the broader path undertaken by Allegrini to make sustainability the central focus around which the company's strategy is developed. 

Allegrini has long since initiated a series of actions aimed at promoting and guaranteeing gender equality in the various company processes, and this significant achievement is the result of a deep commitment to encouraging a company culture based on valuing diversity, empowering women and offering equal opportunities to all members of our team. 

The certification was achieved through an assessment covering six specific indicators:

•Culture and strategy;
•HR processes;
•Opportunities for growth and inclusion of women in the company;
•Pay equity by gender;
•Protection of parenthood and work-life balance.

Obtaining this important certification does not represent a point of arrival for Allegrini, but rather a starting point: the introduction of targeted policies and procedures, as well as the setting of specific objectives in the multi-year strategic plan, are aimed at implementing concrete initiatives in favour of equal opportunities. 

The journey towards gender equality is, in fact, an ongoing commitment for us, fuelled by our increasingly sustainable and inclusive vision. At Allegrini we firmly believe that gender diversity is a fundamental value for the success and sustainability of our organisation.

In the "Corporate Governance" section of this webiste and website you can consult the main policies and procedures implemented by Allegrini on Gender Equality.